October 18, 2008

Barrack Obama for USA President

Barrack Obama, a name which raise to hot topic in the world today. He defeated Hilary Clinton & now move forward challenging McCain for the next US President. My self has no big interest for politics. Especially I'm not US citizen. But this news will have effect to my country, Indonesia.

The final debate on October, 16, 2008 was broadcasted in Indonesia. Many people in Indonesia watch it. And there was discussion about it in Metro TV a local Indonesian TV station. The show was "Anak Menteng, ....". Yes, Obama was here in Indonesia during his childhood. He lived in Menteng, Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. The show presented one of his friend when he was studying here in Indonesia. His friend said little Obama was a shy person in the first 4 months in school. We can understand it. He had not spoken Indonesian language at that time. But he was showing curiosity in everything.

After 4 months he could mingle with everybody and learnt about diversity in the society. Especially in Indonesia, there are hundreds of tribes, hundreds of local languages, many religions. Maybe he had learnt about it in Indonesia. Many Indonesians pray for Barrack Obama to be the next US president. It will give positive influences to both Countries. What's your opinion?

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